A quick update regarding our 2022 Bernalillo County Neighborhood Grant. Our grant for this year was for buying two commercial grade benches for the Sky View Park. The benches were purchased this summer and installation was completed recently by the Bernalillo County Parks & Recreation Department. Last night, Linda & Anna submitted our final budget and documentation reports to the County. This should finish up this year's grant process!
We're attending a preliminary meeting today for the 2023 Neighborhood Grant with thoughts of purchasing a printer to produce neighborhood newsletters and solar lighting for the park. We'll bring these ideas to the Board once the application process begins.
If you have ideas for the grant, please email Linda Davis at ldavis1662@msn.com. The grant is money give to neighborhoods by Bernalillo County for a community related project. Grants up to $2,500 are awarded annually. Our 2019 Grant paid for the purchase and installation of the neighborhood sign that currently sits in the park.